The AGS Alumni Board

The Alumni Board is made up of individuals who are committed to supporting the Alumni Association, its mission and its members. Together, they manage alumni affairs and represent alumni interests with the rest of the AGS community and with other organizations. They organize meetings and events such as career workshops, and are constantly looking for new opportunities in Paris and around the world to share with alumni. They work in close liaison with the AGS Graduate Student Association and the AGS Administration to extend their action to benefit the students.

They are available to all and every AGS alumnus and student to provide information and support. Don't hesitate to contact them at



Joyce LeeJoyce Lee (AGS Vice-President for Alumni Affairs)

Joyce Lee is from Scotland and has resided in France for over forty years. She has been with AGS since its creation in 1994 and has served in many capacities. She is now the Vice-President of AGS for Alumni Affairs. She previously worked as a professor of English.

"I have been involved with AGS since it was founded and so shared the excitement of the early days. Two of my three children are AGSers (Mairi Lee, class of 2005 and Sean Lee, Class of 2003). I enjoy keeping in contact with our alumni and feel tremendous pride in their achievements."



Patrick ClairzierPatrick Clairzier (Class of 2008)

Patrick Clairzier is a Haitian-American. He worked in financial services for ten years before joining AGS in 2006 and now works as a Consultant at the United Nations Environmental Program in Paris. He has been a member of the Alumni Board for two years.

"I followed one of the dual tracks at AGS and completed two Masters, in International Relations and in Strategic Negotiation. I am now working on my PhD at AGS focusing on issues of international political economy, poverty reduction and sustainable development. I am also a member of the academic staff for the AGS undergraduate program. Today, as a member of the board, I am very active in giving back to the school devoting my time whenever possible."



Christy DaviesChristy Davis (Class of 2005)

Christy Davies graduated with an M.A. in International Relations and Diplomacy from AGS in 2005. She also earned a Master's in Diplomacy and Strategic Negotiation from Université Paris Sud as part of one of the dual programs at AGS. She has extensive experience in the headhunting business and now works for an animal welfare NGO, also teaching yoga part-time. She has served on the Alumni Board for two years.

"As an alumna I'm happy to share my knowledge to help fellow AGSers find jobs. The alumni board works hard on this and many other projects, especially keeping alumni up-to-date on news, events, etc. A close alumni network makes everyone's degree stronger. It's nice to stay involved with the school and to help future world leaders."



Joseph MangarellaJoseph Mangarella

Joe is from New Jersey and graduated with an M.A. in International Relations and Diplomacy from AGS in 2012, along with a certificate in African Studies.  He is currently employed as a Maître de langue at the Université Panthéon-Assas in Paris, teaching American constitutional law and British torts to third-year university and Masters students.  Having presented his thesis research at several conferences, Joe hopes to continue his career in academics as a PhD candidate in political science at the Sorbonne.

"The Alumni Board gives its members a unique opportunity to shape the development of an institution we feel we benefited from.  Not only does it allow us to keep in contact with people associated with AGS, but it also facilitates the strength of that network on which many AGS graduates rely.  I consider it our duty to sustain and improve this close-knit network which makes AGS so unique in the first place."



Brandon RoddeyBrandon Roddey (class of 2008)

Brandon W. Roddey graduated from the M.A. International Relations and Diplomacy program at AGS in 2011. He is currently a recruitment consultant for the oil & gas, mining, and water industries at Altea Resources. Since moving to Paris, he has held key leadership roles in a number of associations.

“Clearly, the connections we make while studying are important to the success we have later in life, especially upon graduation. After finishing my studies, I wanted to stay connected and help our school develop the reach of its international network, and therefore I’m happy to join the Alumni Board at AGS. It’s my goal as the school moves forward to serve our common interests by increasing exchanges between alumni and current students."


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