8th Annual AGS Graduate Student Conference: Call for Papers

Identity and Gender Politics Within International Relations

April 18-19, 2013



Conference Theme

The American Graduate School in Paris invites submissions for its 8th Annual AGS Graduate Student Conference. This year’s theme is “Identity and Gender Politics within International Relations.”

From a growing number of individuals in policy forming positions who operate beyond the constraints of traditional hegemonic masculinity, to an increase in gendered political groups responding progressively to cultural and governmental structures and policies, the discourse on identity and gender politics has had a resurgence in recent years. As a result, this theme has become one of necessity for academics and practitioners to re-evaluate when contributing to a contemporary discourse in International Relations.

The aim of the conference is to analyze the impact of identity and gender—often conditioned by class, race, biology and sexuality—within the social and cultural framework of International Relations. Commonalities and intersections between these areas, as well as their impact on interstate and state governance, international conflict, and public awareness should be a main concern of conference contributors.

Possible Sub-Themes with Examples of Directions include (but are not limited to)

Gender-based Movements:

  • Impact of gender-based identity movements in interstate politics

Gender and Violence:

  • Why are women targets? Causes of traditional and unconventional forms of violence

  • Political impact of gender-based groups in response to crisis, violence and war

Gender and Leadership:

  • The hyper-masculinization of political figures and those in positions of influence

  • Gender-balance in the work place – is the quota system a quality form of measurement?

Gender and Education:

  • Cases of equity and inequity among different genders in states and geopolitical regions

  • Considering both cultural relativism and development when creating national/international legislation

Gender and Poverty:

  • The face of poverty – why are women and children the majority in statistical review?

  • Microfinance and the efficacy of gender-based startups in states and geopolitical regions

Gender and Race, Sexual Orientation, Biology, Culture, etc.:

  • Differentiations in persecution of women and men in the global LGBTQ community

  • The impact of cultural gendered norms within an ethnicity or tribe on a political leader

About the Annual AGS Graduate Student Conference

The conference is student-led and –organized, and offers a forum for connecting the disciplines of Political Science and International Relations with real-world application, inviting discussion from students, academics and professionals alike on a new theme each year.

For more information about the Annual AGS Graduate Student Conference, please click here.

How to Submit the Abstract and Final Paper

Submissions will be accepted from graduate and post-graduate level candidates, specifically students, teachers, and professional practitioners. Abstracts are to be no longer than 500 words and submitted electronically to conference@ags.edu as an attachment. The subject line should include the name of the candidate as well as “AGS Conference Abstract Submission.” If accepted, the subject line should include the name of the candidate as well as “AGS Conference Final Paper Submission.”

Additional Information (Abstract):

  • Research question

  • Paper title (a working title is satisfactory)

  • University affiliation (degrees earned and those in the process of concentration and completion)

  • Professional affiliation (if applicable)

  • If the applicant has prior conference presentation experience.

Fees and Conditions

All accepted candidates will be required to pay a non-refundable 30-euro registration fee (payable here) that will help pay for organizational and administrative costs. This fee does not cover personal costs to the applicant, such as transportation, accommodation, etc.

Small financial assistance will potentially be made available to accepted candidates in the future. Please note that this assistance will not be large enough to cover airfare or accommodation.

For Visa information, transportation and housing please click here

Conference Location

American Graduate School in Paris
101 boulevard Raspail
75006 Paris

Telephone: +33 (0)1 47 20 00 94
Website: www.ags.edu 


Graduate Student Conference Committee
American Graduate School in Paris
101 boulevard Raspail
75006 Paris

Telephone: +33 (0)1 47 20 00 94
Email: conference@ags.edu

For questions about the conference, feel free to contact Javed Hashmi, Student Conference Coordinator, at conference@ags.edu

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