AGS International Graduate Student Conference 2022

The Post-Covid World Dis/Order - Opportunities and/or Challenges?

Event date: Friday, April 29, 2022, 9 am to 6 pm 5 CET

Venue: American Graduate School in Paris, at Reid Hall, 4 rue de Chevreuse, 75006 Paris France

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Theme and objectives

Governments, economies, health systems and societies have been, and continue to be, significantly impacted by the Covid-19 Pandemic, the largest global crisis since the Second World War. As the world continues to combat the virus, the effects of the pandemic amplify existing and new systemic challenges within international relations, while formulating tools, methods and perspectives with which to carve a new path forward.

In efforts to support governments on maneuvering the consequences of the pandemic, the UN Secretary-General, António Guterres, launched the UN Response to Covid-19.This goal of the initiative is to address the socioeconomic, humanitarian and human rights aspects of the crisis, as well as proffer a favorable recovery process for all societies. During the recent UN General Assembly, Secretary General Guterres conveyed the following, as it relates to progress (or lack thereof) pertaining to the global crisis:

“The world is facing a moment of truth and the time has come to restore trust and inspire hope. And I do have hope. The problems we have created are problems we can solve.”

This moment in history offers a unique lens through which to assess the comprehensive balance of risk, while simultaneously considering the range of opportunities which might be leveraged through the pandemic and its aftermath, with the aim of reconstruction, and building a more sustainable, equitable and prosperous world. The Post-Covid World will undoubtedly be a topic of discussion for years to come, not only in international relations, but within a myriad of disciplines throughout the world.

In an attempt to discuss the various impacts, consequences, and potential solutions of the Post-Covid World Dis/order, this one-day, virtual conference will bring together inquisitive minds - graduate, postgraduate, senior undergraduate students, and practitioners (from NGOs, government agencies and international organizations).

Any questions? please feel free to contact Jacinda Carlisle by email at

Click here to see the call for papers

Click here to see the conference program 

Click here to see the conference poster

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