Conference 2018: Call for papers

AGS International Graduate Student Conference 2018:

Refugee Politics in International Relations

Friday, April 27, 2018

101 Boulevard Raspail, 75006 Paris

The American Graduate School in Paris (AGS) is now accepting paper submissions for its 2018 International Graduate Student Conference, on the theme: Refugee Politics in International Relations.

Theme and objectives

This one-day conference will look at how the recent influx of migration and refugee movement has affected various aspects of international affairs. It hopes to bring together inquisitive graduate students and scholars as well as practitioners from NGOs, government agencies and intergovernmental organizations to review, assess, and challenge the notions of displacement in today’s international arena. It seeks to expand the discourse on the political, economic and social implications of migration as nations reexamine policies in response to these crises, as well as further our understanding of the various causes and drivers of displacement. Attendance is open to all.

Possible topics could include but are not limited to:

  • Impact of Sovereignty and State Borders on Refugee Politics

  • Movement of Refugees and Conflict

  • Refugees and Security

  • International Law of Refugees

  • Refugee Rights and Repatriation

  • Refugees and Citizenship

  • Diaspora Communities and Refugees

  • UNHCR and Refugee Politics

  • EU Open Borders and Refugee Politics

  • Identity politics of Refugees

  • Asylum and Refugees

  • Refugees and military intervention

  • Refugee politics from a feminist perspective

  • Humanitarian issues and asylum seekers

  • Securitization of borders; sovereignty versus human rights

  • Anthropological effects of transcultural exchange

For more options, please refer to Refugees in International Relations (Alexander Betts, Gil Loescher, Eds, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011).

This conference is organized by graduate students enrolled in the M.A. in International Relations and Diplomacy program conducted at the American Graduate School in Paris in partnership with Arcadia University. It is coordinated by Chloe Bingham (M.A. Candidate 2018) under the faculty supervision of Professor Ruchi Anand.

Selected conference papers will be published in the Journal of International Relations, Peace Studies, and Development, an online, open-source, peer-reviewed academic journal published jointly by Arcadia University and the American Graduate School in Paris.

Date and location

The AGS International Graduate Student Conference will take place on Friday, April 27th 2018 in Paris, from 9 am to 6 pm.

It will be held at the American Graduate School in Paris, in the 6th arrondissement - five minutes from the Luxembourg Gardens and the French Senate.

Who can submit?

This is a conference intended for graduate students, but senior undergraduates with a faculty recommendation, professors, academics, and professionals in the fields relating to the conference theme may also apply.

How to submit?

Abstracts should be a maximum of 500 words and submitted electronically to as an attachment (Microsoft Word or PDF). The subject line should include the name of the candidate as well as “AGS Conference Abstract Submission.” Please also give a potential, if not finalized, title for your paper/presentation.

Additional information to include in submission:

  • Research question

  • University affiliation (degrees earned and those in the process of concentration and completion)

  • Professional affiliation (if applicable)

  • If the applicant has prior conference presentation experience

  • Letter of reference from institution faculty (required for senior undergraduate students)

Full papers are not required, but highly suggested before the final presentation.

Note that for presentations selected for publication in the Journal of International Relations, Peace Studies, and Development, a completed draft will be required two weeks after the conference.

Submission deadlines

Abstract: March 26 (extended deadline)

Working draft (suggested, not required): April 20, 2018

Fees and Conditions


All accepted candidates will be required to pay a non-refundable 35-euro registration fee (payable at that will help pay for organizational and administrative costs. This fee does not cover personal costs to the applicant, such as transportation, accommodation, etc. Fees are due from accepted candidates within 10 days of receiving the acceptance letter.

Attendance of those who do not present a paper is free.


The conference committee will provide visa letters upon request to accepted candidates and moderators. In addition to verifying attendance to the conference, candidates may be asked to sign a visa liability agreement. Please note that participants are responsible for fulfilling the visa procedure according to their home country’s rules and regulations in connection to entering France.

Housing and transportation

For information on housing and transportation to the venue please click here


Graduate Student Conference Committee
American Graduate School in Paris
101, Boulevard Raspail
75006 Paris, France

+33 (0)1 47 20 00 94


For any questions about the conference, please feel free to contact Chloe Bingham, the Student Conference Coordinator, at

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