AGS Conference 2015: Call for Papers

AGS Conference 2015:
The Influence and Role of NGOs in Global Governance: From Grassroots to Global

Paris, 23-24 April 2015

The American Graduate School in Paris invites submissions for its 10th annual AGS Graduate Student Conference. This year’s theme, entitled “Non-Governmental Organizations: The Influence and Role of NGOs in Global Governance: From Grassroots to Global”, covers the emergence and role of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in the global sphere.

The unrelenting rise of the global public square’s role in decision-making has led to an increase in the role and influence that NGOs possess. The sphere of influence of the NGO network has altered the landscape of domestic and national decision-making from the state being the primary decision-maker to global governance and civil society holding increased power and legitimacy in decision-making and policy formation.

For example, NGO influence was prevalent in the Ottawa Treaty to ban landmines in 1997 and the influence of NGO’s can be seen in current global issues such as climate change, children’s rights, international development, and gender equality. The increasing impact of NGOs across the global sphere (international, national, and local) shapes and contributes to the evolution of the global agenda, global development, and general awareness of a vast number of core issues at the national and international levels. 

The aim of this conference is to analyse and discuss the impact of NGOs on the evolving global sphere through NGO involvement and influence on global governance, including influence on states, international organizations, international relations theory, and the global public square, through campaigns, lobbying, policy development, and social media mobilization.

Possible Sub-themes and examples of discussion themes include (but are not limited to):

  • NGOs and International Relations Theory

  • NGOs and International Law

  • Management and Organizational Issues

  • NGOs: Democratic vs. Non-democratic States

  • NGOs and Microfinance

  • International Development

  • Youth Engagement via NGOS

  • Education Development

  • Response to Humanitarian Crisis

  • Multinational Corporation and NGO Partnerships

About the Annual AGS Graduate Student Conference (+ Workshop)

This conference is a student-led and organized event and offers a forum for looking at timely issues and events in the disciplines of Political Science and International Relations. The conference provides opportunities to discuss real-world application, inviting discussion from students, academics and professionals on a new theme each year.

In addition to the conference, AGS will also be organizing an applied workshop (in English and French). This workshop will be run by senior level practitioners with a wide range of backgrounds working in International Relations with a focus on NGOs. This workshop will provide a forum for discussing how an NGO is created, developed, implemented, and connected to other sectors of society at the regional, national, and international level. The workshop will be tailored to the interest of the attendees and participants. A certificate of attendance will be provided at the conclusion of the conference. If you are interested in registering to attend the workshop, please contact the Student Conference Coordinators for the registration form at

Submission Instructions

Who can submit?

Submissions will be accepted from senior level undergraduate students, graduate and doctoral level students, academics, and professionals in the fields related to the theme of the conference.

Attendees are not restricted to those that submit papers. All are welcome to attend the conference.

Submission Deadlines

Abstract Submission Deadline: 30 January 2015

Contributors are welcome and encouraged to submit their abstracts as soon as possible.

Final Paper Submission Deadline: 27 March 2015

How to Submit the Abstract and Final Paper

Abstracts are to be a maximum of 500 words and submitted electronically to as an attachment (Microsoft Word or PDF).

The subject line should include the name of the candidate as well as “AGS Conference Abstract Submission.” Please also give a potential, if not finalized, title for your paper.

Additional Information (Abstract):

  • Research question

  • University affiliation (degrees earned and those in the process of concentration and completion)

  • Professional affiliation (if applicable)

  • If the applicant has prior conference presentation experience

  • Letter of reference from institution faculty (if applicable)

  • The subject line of the final paper (if applicable) should include the name of the candidate as well as “AGS Conference Final Paper Submission.”

Fees and Conditions

Conference Presenters: All accepted candidates will be required to pay a non-refundable 60-euro registration fee (payable here) that will help pay for organizational and administrative costs. This fee does not cover personal costs to the applicant, such as transportation, accommodation, etc. Fees are due from accepted candidates within 10 days of receiving acceptance letters.

Practical Workshop: The accepted candidates who are also interested in participating in the practical workshop will be required to pay an additional non-refundable fee of 40-euros (for a total of 100-euro). If you are not an accepted candidate but are interested in participating in the practical workshop, there will be a non-refundable fee of 50-euros that will help pay for organizational and administrative costs. Fees are due from all parties interested in attending the practical workshop within 10 days of registration acceptance. Certificates will be provided for completion of the practical workshop.

Panel Moderator: If you are interested in becoming a Panel Moderator, please contact the Conference Organizers for additional information. All accepted Moderators will be required to pay a non-refundable 100-euro fee that will help pay for organizational and administrative costs. Moderators will be selected once panels have been organized NLT February 15, 2015. Fees are due from selected Moderators within 10 days of receiving acceptance letters.

The conference committee will provide visa letters upon request to accepted candidates and moderators. In addition to verifying attendance to the conference, candidates may be asked to sign a visa liability agreement. Please note that participants are responsible for fulfilling the visa procedure according to their home country’s rules and regulations in connection to entering France.

For Visa information, transportation and housing please click here

Conference Location

American Graduate School in Paris

101 boulevard Raspail
75006 Paris

Telephone: +33 (0)1 47 20 00 94


Graduate Student Conference Committee
American Graduate School in Paris
101 boulevard Raspail
75006 Paris

Telephone: +33 (0)1 47 20 00 94

For questions about the conference, feel free to contact Rebecca Apperson or Andrew Lowe, Student Conference Coordinators, at

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