Conference Program

DAY 1: Thursday, April 23, 2015

09:00 - 9:55

Registration and Breakfast

9:45 - 10:00

Introduction and Welcome Speech

10:00 - 12:00

Panel I: The Role of NGOs in Influencing Policy Change
Moderator: Caitlyn Guthrie


“Why African States Legally Committed to the ICC: The Role of Transnationalist Activist Networks in Defining State Interests”
Presenter: Kevin Coffey, University of Dublin (Ireland)


“Non-governmental Organizations in Russia: Adapting for Success”
Presenter: Jacqueline Dufalla, Central Europe University (Hungary)


Eradicating Hepatitis: How Have NGOs Influenced Government Policy and International Relations? What Can We Learn From India, Canada, and the World Hepatitis Alliance?”
Presenter: Vic Herr, Kwantlen Polytechnic University (Canada)


“The Role of Hong Kong-Based NGOs in China Disaster Relief”
Presenter: Blessing Enifome, American Graduate School in Paris (France)

12:00 - 13:30

Lunch Break

13:30 - 15:00

Panel II: The Efforts of NGOs to Obtain LGBT Rights and Gender Equality
Moderator: Tim Francis


“Sexual Rights in Human Rights: Mapping the Impact of LGBT Non-Governmental Organizations on Swedish and U.S. Foreign Policy”
Presenter: Elise Carlson-Rainer, University of Washington (U.S.A.)


Exploring the Limits of Exclusivity: Boy Scouts of America and Single Gender Formation
Presenter: Edward Schmalz, Creighton University (U.S.A.)


“A Seat at the Table: Youth, Women, and Indigenous Participation in Arctic and Climate Change Decision-Making Process”
Presenter: Leehi Yona, Dartmouth University (U.S.A.)

15:00 - 15:15


15:15 - 16:45

Panel III: The Role of Development NGOs in International Relations
Moderator: Patrick Clairzier


“Indigenous-NGO Relations in Guatemala”
Presenter: Kimberly Garmarro, University of Alberta (Canada)


“Earning the Right to be Heard: Christian Evangelicals and Overseas Food Aid and Development, 1974-1986”
Presenter: William Tait, Carelton University (Canada)


“Analyzing the Urban-Rural Divide: NGOs in India”
Presenter: Prarthana Lohia, American Graduate School in Paris (France)

17:00 - 18:30

Keynote Panel
Moderator: Ruchi Anand


The Influence and Role of NGOs in Global Governance
with Jean-Marie Fardeau, Director, Human Rights Watch – France
Susan Perry, Professor, American University of Paris
and Rahel Steinbach, Programme Officer, Energy Branch, UNEP

18:30 - 20:30


Day 2: Friday, April 24, 2015

09:30 - 10:00

Workshop Registration and Welcome

10:00 - 11:00

NGOs: Democratic vs. Non-democratic States
Building the Fabric of Civil Society in a New Demovracy: A Case Study of Tunisia
Workshop lead: Chiara Condi

11:00 - 12:00

NGOs and International Law
Status, Sovereignty, and Non-Interference in International Law: Greenpeace International vs. India
Workshop lead: Ruchi Anand

12:00 - 13:00

Working Lunch (Meal provided)

13:00 - 14:00

International Development
Rural Development and India
Workshop lead: Sakshi Mitra

14:00 - 15:00

Multinational Corporation and NGO Partnership
NGOs vs. MNCs: Human Rights and Capital Growth
Workshop lead: Emirjona Cake

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