Keynote Panelists' Biographies

Keynote Panel on the Complexity of Religion in International Relations

Friday, April 22nd 2016, 3 pm-5 pm

Ambassador Graeme C. Clark

Ambassador Graeme C. Clark is currently Minister, Deputy Head of Mission at the Canadian Embassy in France. Educated in French and English, he is a graduate of the universities of Toronto and Oxford. Prior to joining the Foreign Service, Mr. Clark taught English in a Paris lycée; was a freelance broadcaster for Radio-Canada; and served as a Parliamentary Intern in the House of Commons. At DFATD, he has been assigned to divisions covering international economic relations, Soviet affairs and security and defence relations. He was Director of Mexico and North America; Head of the Media Relations Office; Director General, Assignments and Executive Management; and Acting Assistant Deputy Minister for Human Resources (2010- 2014). He has also served as Legislative/Departmental Assistant to two Ministers of Foreign Affairs (1993-1995) and as Legislative Assistant to the Prime Minister, from 1995 to 1997. His assignments abroad have included San José, Costa Rica; Lima, where he was Ambassador to Peru and Bolivia from 1997 to 2001; and Washington, where he served as Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the Organization of American States from 2006 to 2010. He has contributed to books on parliamentary reform and Latin American security questions.

Dr. Christophe Grannec

Christophe Grannec has a PhD from the Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes-Vème Department of Religious Sciences. He defended his thesis in 1996 under Jean Baubérot, on the subject of l’ACAT (Action des Chrétiens pour l’Abolition de la Torture). Dr. Grannec was a Professor in Canada from 2003 et 2009 at the Department of Religious Sciences at the University of Sudbury in Ontario. He then returned to France and became a Professor at the Université Catholique in Lille from 2010 et 2013, as a Sociologist of Religions. He was a Research Associate at the GSRL-CNRS from 2006 et 2011 and is a statutory member of the GSRL-CNRS since 2012. He is also a researcher affiliated with the SISR (Société internationale de sociologie des religions). His teaching and research interests focus on the role of NGOs and international organizations in inter-cultural and inter-religious dialogues, the role of religion post-globalization and in international relations and social action. Dr. Grannec is highly published in his areas of specialization. His most recent publications include (2014), Le dialogue interculturel et interreligieux à l’heure de la mondialisation, Christophe Grannec, Olivier Landron et Sophie-Hélène Trigeaud (sous la direction de), Parole et Silence, Paris and (2012), Les religions dans la mondialisation, entre acculturation et contestation, Christophe Grannec et Bérengère Massignon (sous la direction de), Karthala, Paris.

Dr. Manlio Graziano

Professor Manlio Graziano is an Italian scholar specializing in geopolitics and geopolitics of religions. He lives in Paris. He teaches at the American Graduate School in Paris and the Sorbonne. He regularly publishes in Limes, and he is the geopolitical columnist of La Voce di New York. He has also collaborated with the journals Modern Italy, Geopolitical Affairs, International Affairs Forum, Heartland, Outre-Terre, as well as with the Corriere della Sera and Il Sole 24 Ore. The American edition of his book, published in the United States on Italian political identity, The Failure of Italian Nationhood, was reviewed by The New Yorker and The Economist. In June 2015 he was invited by the UN Correspondents Association to discuss his thesis about the geopolitics of religion at the United Nations headquarters in New York City. Besides Paris IV-La Sorbonne and the American Graduate School, Graziano teaches at the École des hautes études commerciales de Paris (HEC), and at the Geneva Institute of Geopolitics. He has authored several books and articles on the geopolitics of religion: In Rome We Trust. Cattolici e politica negli Stati Uniti, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2016, Holy War and Holy Alliance: Religions and Global Desorder in the 21st Century, Columbia University Press, 2016 (original version: Guerra santa e santa alleanza. Religioni e disordine internazionale nel XXI secolo, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2015), Essential Geopolitics: A Handbook (French edition: Manuel essentiel de géopolitique) Manlio Graziano, 2011 , Il Secolo Cattolico. La Strategia Geopolitica della Chiesa, Laterza editore, Roma, 2010 (Spanish edition: El siglo católico. La estrategia geopolítica de la Iglesia, RBA Libros, Barcelona, 2012), The Failure of Italian Nationhood: The Geopolitics of a Troubled Identity, Palgrave-Macmillan, New York, 2010 (original version: L’Italie. Un État sans nation ?).

Dr. Sabrina Pastorelli

Dr. Sabrina Pastorelli is a member of the Groupe Sociétés, Religions, Laïcités (GSRL UMR 8582/EPHE Sorbonne-CNRS). Author of several publications on Religion in Europe namely: S. Ferrari, S. Pastorelli (dir.), Religion in the Public Spaces, Ashgate, 2012, A. Ferrari, S. Pastorelli (ed.), The Burqa Affair across Europe: between Public and Private, Ashgate, 2013, "Public policies towards new religions" in F. Foret, X. Itçaina (ed.), Politics of Religion in Western Europe. Modernities in conflict?, Routledge ECPR, 2012, pp. 224-240, “The European Union and the New Religious Movements”, in L.N. Leustean, J.T.S. Madeley (dir.), Religion, Politics and Law in the European Union, Routledge, pp. 187-200, 2010. Thèse de doctorat en sociologie, École Pratique des Hautes Études, Sorbonne – cotutelle avec Université de Padoue (Italie). Direction : Jean-Paul Willaime et Enzo Pace. Titre : «Gestion étatique de la diversité religieuse. Analyse comparée Italie-France au miroir des institutions européennes ».

Ambassador Michael M. Einik (moderator)

Ambassador Michael M. Einik is a Paris-based Senior Policy Level Diplomat who is also a Professor at the American Graduate School in Paris currently teaching the Core courses on Diplomacy. Ambassador Einik has been involved in diplomacy and foreign policy formulation from the administrations of Richard Nixon through that of Barack Obama. His Regional area of focus is Europe (Balkans, Former USSR, Central Europe) while his specializations include Multilateral and multinational team management, Development, Strategy, Science/Innovation and the Market Place, Non-proliferation challenges. Among his many important and high-level positions, Ambassador Einik served as the American Ambassador to Macedonia.

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