Dr. Mariam Habibi speaks about Franco-Iranian Diplomacy

Tuesday, 08 January 2008

Dr. Mariam HabibiDr. Mariam Habibi gave a paper on the Franco-Iranian diplomacy in the French Senate, during a conference on Iran run by the Institut Européen de Recherches Stratégiques sur l'Iran (IERSI) in December 2007. Her paper was based on her book entitled L'Interface France-Iran: une Diplomatie Voilée (a veiled diplomacy) which was published in 2004 by L'Harmattan, with a foreword by French historian and professor at Sciences Po. Pierre Milza.

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Douglas Yates USA
Associate Professor
School of International Relations

quote leftEvery day the news is filled with stories about foreign leaders, wars, peace talks, and tragedies. Our students learn how to fit together those pieces like a puzzle, and through the lens of international relations, understand the world as it is.quote right

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