Dr. Alan Kahan presents his book to the LSE and other universities

Thursday, 10 December 2009


Dr. Kahan will lecture to the London School of Economics and to the Frankfurt School of Finance and Management in January 2010 about his recently published book Mind vs. Money: The War Between Intellectuals and Capitalism (Transaction Pub. 2009).

In December Dr. Kahan gave talks about it to the York University Politics department and the Leuven University seminar in Political Theory.

Book details on publisher's website

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Christian Karastojanov Canada
M.A., School of International Relations
Class of 2000

quote leftAGS's focus on both academics and real-world experience, its international faculty deeply engaged in current IR issues, and its connections to a variety of global governmental and non-governmental organizations all provided an invaluable preparation for a life in IR.quote right

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