Dr Douglas Yates presents papers in India and Sri Lanka

Wednesday, 16 April 2008

Dr. Douglas Yates, AGSIn January 2008 Dr. Douglas A. Yates travelled to India to present papers on conflict resolution at the New Dehli University and at the Institute of Social Sciences in New Dehli. Yates also went to Sri Lanka to present papers on the American elections and their international implications at the University of Colombo and at the Lakshaman Kadirgamar Institute for International Relations and Strategic Studies.

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Christian Karastojanov Canada
M.A., School of International Relations
Class of 2000

quote leftAGS's focus on both academics and real-world experience, its international faculty deeply engaged in current IR issues, and its connections to a variety of global governmental and non-governmental organizations all provided an invaluable preparation for a life in IR.quote right

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