Dr. Yates addresses experts from China, the US and the EU about the situation in Sudan |
Thursday, 12 November 2009 |
Dr. Douglas Yates participated in the 2009 Trialogue 21 meeting organized by the East-West Institute in Brussels on November 9-10. This two-day event was the fourth of a series of meetings gathering government and non-government experts from China, the United States and Europe and aimed at exploring and improving the collaboration of these three powers about various issues of international affairs. This year's edition focused on the upcoming elections in Sudan, the piracy off Somalia, and global warming. Dr. Yates presented the problems of Chinese involvment in the upcoming referendum for independance of South Sudan, which provoked a heated debate. |
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Laura-Lee Smith USA As citizens of the world community, AGSers share a deep will to improve international state of affairs. This drive for change translates into prescriptive discussion between students and teachers, not simply criticism. I most admire this quality about AGS and know that because we have the will to improve the system, we are the way for change. |