Professor Yates on Bloomberg TV About French Primaries

Thursday, 20 October 2011

douglas_yates2011_100x120.jpgOn October 17th, Professor Douglas Yates was interviewed on Bloomberg TV about the nomination of Socialist candidate François Hollande to challenge President and probable candidate Nicolas Sarkozy in the May 2012 French presidential elections.Douglas Yates on Bloomberg TV 17 October 2011

Professor Yates commented on the significance of this nomination for France and for the rest of the world. He talked about this first-time "American-style" primaries as a "deepening of France's democracy" and remarked on François Hollande as a candidate who, if elected, would be likely to continue the construction of the EU and the Eurozone.

View interview on Bloomberg's website

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Christian Karastojanov Canada
M.A., School of International Relations
Class of 2000

quote leftAGS's focus on both academics and real-world experience, its international faculty deeply engaged in current IR issues, and its connections to a variety of global governmental and non-governmental organizations all provided an invaluable preparation for a life in IR.quote right

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