Dr. Ruchi Anand's new book

Thursday, 26 November 2009

ruchi_anand.jpgDr. Ruchi Anand just published her second book entitled Self Defense in International Relations (Palgrave-MacMillan, 2009). It is an interdisciplinary study that provides an analysis of power, security, and polarity in the international context, looks at the impact of the recent rise of non-state actors on the primacy of state sovereignty, and addresses issues of self-defense with regards to international law and international politics.

"The right to individual and collective self-defense in international law and politics has always been a controversial issue. Using the example of how the US employs self-defense against Iraq, this book uncovers new dimensions, which lead to innovative and practical strategies and analysis. It takes into account legal norms, politics and scholarly debates on self-defense in the post cold-war world and shows how power, security, polarity and the primacy of sovereign states play out in an international context. Three overarching themes constitute the backdrop, namely international anarchy, unipolarity and the decentralized nature of international law." (Source: Palgrave-MacMillan's website)

View more information or order book here.

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Omar Shamiya United States
School of International Relations
Class of 2011

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