Rethinking Video Content for your NGO

AGS NGO BlogBy Gabriela Lemus
M.A. Candidate 2018

Monday, 12 February 2018

There is nothing like inspirational videos to motivate viewers to engage and to contribute to making the world a better place. Unfortunately, NGOs often fall victim to providing less than stellar productions.

Video is becoming even more important as a communication tool. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has announced that by 2021, Facebook would be primarily video based. Therefore, it is important that NGOs are up to par with the way they disseminate their information or promote their organization.

Audiences enjoy engaging with cinematic and reconstructive documentaries which can leave a memorable imprint in their minds. However, many videos produced by NGOs are comprise of interviews with NGO staff narrating the type of work they do, including some footage from the field. But to a large portion of the targeted audience, the sight of people being interviewed is – let’s face it – boring. Better to focus on the people with whom the NGO is working with, and making them the main characters in the video.

Happily, the online resource fundsforNGOs has provided some useful advice on how NGOs can improve their video offerings.

Making a film or video would involve getting a director who has experience in storytelling. This will require the director to become friendly with the person or people taking part in the video, and develop a cinematic piece that includes conflict, drama and emotion.

Videos that evoke an emotion from its viewers are increasingly being used to get people to buy products and generate profits. This marketing tactic can be used by NGOs to generate support as well.

Other effective videos are ‘social experiment’ videos where, for example,  the public’s resolve on certain situations is tested, such as deciding whether to give an actor their wallet back after dropping it. These types of experiments make for viewing by the millions as people tend to share them via other media outlets. They can also build further awareness regarding a variety of issues.

Creating a thought provoking film can help your NGO get the needed attention to accomplish its goals, therefore it is important to rethink the way videos are conceived.

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