Black Lives Matter Scholarship

As an institution of higher education specializing in the fields of international relations and diplomacy, AGS has taken an affirmative approach to dealing with the problems of systemic racism both by improving the content, resources available and process of teaching about racial issues in international relations at our school, and by supporting graduate research on the topic. One of our initiatives is the creation of a scholarship for graduate students who choose to research topics that promote antiracism, racial justice and equity, and explore issues of race within IR.

AGS' mission is to foster peace through education and it is clear that global and local systemic racism stand in the way of peace and justice for many communities around the world. The purpose of the Black Lives Matter Scholarship is to embody this mission by convening students from various disciplines to study novel and practical ways to explore, understand, explain, and solve seemingly intractable problems of racial inequity and injustice through scholarly research. We wish to use this scholarship as an opportunity to continue to stand for the very principles we declare to believe and work towards building an antiracist society that ensures equity and justice for all.

Amount of the scholarship:

This scholarship is meant to be a partial tuition scholarship. If granted, it may cover up to 20% of the total amount of tuition. Scholarships above 20% may be granted in exceptional cases. It will be applied to each semester's tuition invoice.

Scholarship conditions:

If granted the scholarship, the student must:

  • remain in good academic standing by maintaining a minimum 3.2 GPA each semester

  • conduct research on racial issues within IR throughout the program, and successfully write and defend a thesis or dissertation that examines such issues

  • take the new course on racial issues within IR, as one of his/her electives (this course is expected to be offered for the first time during the fall 2021 semester)


Students from all countries are encouraged to apply.

Eligible candidates are those applying to the M.A., Ph.D. or combined M.A.-Ph.D. programs.

How to apply?

Students who wish to apply for this scholarship, must:

  • submit a 1- 2 page (double spaced) letter, explaining their motivation to apply;

  • submit a basic proposal (5-10 pages, double spaced) that includes information on their proposed research project on some type of racial issue within international relations and diplomacy (Please note: some aspects of the proposed project can and likely will change during the program if the prospective student is admitted, but an antiracist or exploration of a racial issue within IR element must remain if the student is granted the scholarship. If not, the scholarship may be rescinded.)

For more information:

For more information, including confirmation on whether or not scholarship funds remain for the semester you are applying for, please send an email to with ‘BLM Scholarship Question’ in the subject line, and include the semester you would like to begin, as well as the program you are applying for, in your email. 

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