Bertrand de Largentaye

Visiting Professor

Fields of expertise

  • French and European economic policy

  • French and European foreign policy

  • International Trade

  • European institutions and policies

  • Eastern Europe and Conflict in the Balkans

  • Transatlantic relations


  • ENA (Ecole Nationale d'Administation), France

  • HEC Business School, France

  • B.A., Economics, Université Panthéon-Sorbonne, Université Paris-Assas, France

Previous experience

Forty-year experience as a policy expert in the French government and EU institutions, including:

  • Minister Counselor to the Permanent Delegations of the European Commission and European Union to UNESCO and OECD (2006-2011)

  • Chargé de mission on various projects, European Commission's Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs, and Directorate General for External Relations (1989-2006)

  • Senior-level officer in the French Government: Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Economy and Finance, Ministry of Trade (1973-1988)

  • Researcher (2002-2006), Consultant (2006-present), Notre Europe-Institut Jacques Delors (Paris-based think-tank)

Teaching activities :

  • Institut d'Etudes Politiques (Sciences-Po), Rennes, France

  • Ecole de Management du pôle universitaire Léonard de Vinci


Member of the Management Council and Strategic Orientation Council of Institut des hautes Etudes d'Amérique Latine (IHEAL)

Selected publications

  • "Plein emploi et liberté des échanges : la Suède" in Revue Française d'Economie, Vol. IV, I, hiver 1989

  • "The Economic and Social Imperatives of the Future Europe" (Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, Baden‐Baden: 1992): chapter on the European Union

  • Ex‐Yugoslavia : from War to Peace (Generalitat Valenciana, 1993): chapter on the role of the European Union

  • "L'Europe en Chantier" (Hachette, Paris: 1993)

  • "Las arenas movedizas de los Balcanes", in Perspectivas de solucion, (Editorial Complutense, Madrid: 1996)

  • The Economic Consequences of Sanctions in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. A Report by the Chairman of the Working Group on Economic Issues to the Co--

  • "Chairmen of the International Conference on the Former Yugoslavia", in The ICFY Official Papers, edited by B.G.Ramcharan (Kluwer Law International, 1997)

  • "Tacis and Privatisation: sector policy analysis", European Commission, 1998

  • "Relations extérieures de l'Union européenne", Commissariat général du Plan, 1999

  • "La convencion sobre el futuro de Europa y la politica exterior y de seguridad comun, Cuenta y Razon", no. 128 (febrero-marzo-abril 2003)

  • "L’avenir de la relation transatlantique à la lumière de la crise irakienne" in La revue internationale et stratégique no.53 (printemps 2004)

  • "L’Europe et les Etats-Unis, ou les paradoxes d’un partenariat singulier" in Le nouvel état de l’Europe (Editions La Découverte, Paris: 2004)

  • La Europa de mañana, Cuenta y Razon, no. 133, juillet 2004

  • “Réflexions sur la recherche du plein emploi en Europe » in Galbraith, John Kenneth: L’ère de l’opulence et le libéralisme, Collection: Economie et Innovation, n° 23 (Innoval – L’Harmattan, Paris: 2006)

  • "Le pardon et la promesse : pour une approche plus régionale de la question des Balkans par l’Union européenne" (co-authored with Tamara Buschek et Fabien Dupuis), published by Notre Europe, policy paper n° 21, May 2006

  • "Quel modèle de croissance pour la France? La leçon des expériences étrangères", Conference proceedings, Colloquium on Economic Growth, Palais du Luxembourg, Paris, 30 June 2006

  • "Le Kosovo après le 10 décembre 2007: enjeux pour l'Union européenne" (co-authored by Tamara Buschek), published by Notre Europe, December 2007 (link)

  • "Perspectives des relations entre l'Union européenne et la Russie" in L'économie russe depuis 1990, Collection Ouvertures Economiques (Editions De Boeck Université, Brussels: 2008)

  • "The significance of the 2008 American presidential election", published by Notre Europe, January 2009 (link)

  • "De nouvelles perspectives pour les relations entre l'Union européenne et l'Amérique latine", published by Notre Europe, June 2009 (link)

  • "The Obama administration, one year on", Notre Europe, 2010 (link)

  • "Etats-Unis et Europe, contradictions et convergences au regard de l'actualité", published by Institut Catholique d'Etudes Supérieures de la Roche-sur-Yon, 2010 (link)

  • La réforme administrative en Croatie: la coopération avec la Commission et l'OCDE, published by Institut français des relations internationales (IFRI), April 2010 (link)

  • "The Obama administration's second year in office", published by Notre Europe, January 2011 (link)

  • "Quatre ans de présidence Obama : évolution des relations transatlantiques et perspectives", published by Notre Europe, October 2012 (link)

  • "Barack Obama versus Mitt Romney on transatlantic relations", published by Public Service Europe, October 2012 (link)

  • "The Reef That Wrecks the Monetary Economy", in International Journal of Political Economy, vol. 42, no.1. Spring 2013

  • Challenges and Prospects of a Transatlantic Free Trade Area, October 2013 (link)

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Jennifer Grant USA
M.A., School of International Relations
Class of 2008

quote leftStudying at AGS has not only provided me with an intimate learning experience, but has also given me the opportunity to take advantage of the dozens of international organizations and NGOs in Paris that offer internships.quote right

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