AGS International Graduate Student Conference 2019

The New Landscape of International Relations:

Globalism vs Populism

Event date: Friday, April 26, 2019, from 10:00 am to 6:30 pm
Event Location: American Graduate School in Paris, 101 Blvd Raspail, 75006 Paris, France

Globalism’s intermingling of ideas, livelihoods, and people is creating a schism between and within states. The great schisms in the past revolved around Capitalism vs Communism, Left vs Right, Social Conservative vs Social Liberal, etc. The new schism pulls people from both left and right to deposit them into modern political and social affiliations with names such as Cosmopolitan vs Nationalist, Closed Society vs Open Society, Populist vs Pluralist, the Haves vs the Have-Nots, etc. At its root is the oldest concept of all – Us vs Them.

This one-day conference will look at how the rise of populism and ethnocentrism is challenging globalism, and how these forces and the tension between them are affecting various aspects of international affairs. We hope to bring together inquisitive graduate and postgraduate students, as well as practitioners from NGOs, government agencies and intergovernmental organizations to review and assess, that which challenges the notions of globalism and populism in today’s international arena. This conference seeks to expand the discourse on the political, economic and social implications and drivers of globalism as nations reexamine policies in response to rising populism, as well as further our understanding of the various causes and drivers of populism. Attendance is open to all.

Schalors and graduate students from the US, the UK, Germany, France, Czech Republic, anfd Egypt will present their research on these issues. The first panel will look at the rise of populism as a general trend in the world today, the second panel will focus on specific nationalist discourses underpinning that trend.

The keynote panel will feature Clara Rachel Eubalin Casseus, an independent researcher specializing on issues related to migration, diaspora, and identity politics. Ms Eybalin Casseus holds a Ph.D. in Geography from the University of Poitiers and was a visiting fellow at the University of London and the University of Birmingham and authored Globalism to Globalectics: the Making of Transnational Citizenship Through Memory. She will discuss the treatment of migration from the perspective of the countries of origin and diasporic policies, charactereized by nationalist approaches. 

This conference is organized by graduate students enrolled in the M.A. in International Relations and Diplomacy program conducted at the American Graduate School in Paris in partnership with Arcadia University. It is coordinated by Erik Caufield (M.A. Candidate 2019) and Tiffany Sparks (M.A. Candidate 2020) under the faculty supervision of Professor Ruchi Anand. Selected conference papers will be published in the Journal of International Relations, Peace Studies, and Development, an online, open-source, peer-reviewed academic journal published jointly by Arcadia University and the American Graduate School in Paris (

Date and location

The AGS International Graduate Student Conference will take place on Friday, April 26th, 2019 in Paris, from 10:00 am to 6:30 pm. The conference will be followed by a reception. It will be held at the American Graduate School in Paris, in the 6th arrondissement, a five-minute walk from the Luxembourg Gardens and the French Senate.

Attendance is free and open to all. To register please RSVP at



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