Mariam Habibi, Ph.D.


Associate Professor 

Fields of expertise

  • History and Politics of the Middle East

  • Diplomatic History: French Diplomacy in the Middle East in the 20th century with an emphasis on Iran, British Diplomacy in the Middle East with an emphasis on the1950's in relation to Iran, Russian Diplomacy (turn of the century) in relation to Iran

  • The European Union

  • Twentieth Century French History with an emphasis on topics such as immigration, colonialism (Africa), Islam


  • Ph.D. (Doctorat) in 20th Century History, Institut d'Études Politiques de Paris (Sciences Po), France

  • DEA (Master) in 20th Century History, Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris (Sciences Po), France

  • M.A. in Contemporary European History, University of London, UK

  • B.A. in Economics & Politics (joint degree), Lancaster University, UK

    Other current posts

    • IES (Institute for International Education): courses on French politics and society (since 2011)

    • American University of Washington in Paris: courses on France and Islam (since 2007)
    • University of California in Paris, Education Abroad Program (since 2005)

    • University of Southern California in Paris: courses France and the EU (since 2005)

    Previous experience

    • New York University in Paris: courses on France and the EU; France and Islam (2001-2013)

    • Columbia University in Paris: courses on French political identity (2001-2004)

    • Workshop Leader for the International Baccalaureate Program for The International Baccalaureate Organization and Inthinking

    Selected publications


    • Interface France-Iran 1907-1938 : une diplomatie voilée (Paris: L’Harmattan 2004)

    • Iran Through the Looking Glass: History, Reform and Revolution, Choices Education, Watson Institute, 2007 (in collaboration with the academic team at the Watson Institute, Brown University)

    • History: A Course Companion (in co-authorship) Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010

    • Authoritarian States, IB Course companion (in co-authorship), Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015


    • "L'interface France-Iran"in L'Iran et la France Aujourd'hui, Hier et Demain (Europerse, 2008)

    • "France and the Anglo-Russian Accords: the discreet missing link" in Iran XLI 2003

    • "Mission Militaire Française en Iran"in Sociétés et Cultures Musulmanes d'hier et d'aujourd'hui (Numéro 10 Février 1996)

    Conference papers

    • Brown University, Watson Institute, Providence (RI), 2008

    • Institut Européen de Recherches Stratégiques sur l'Iran (European Institute for Strategic Studies on Iran, IERSI), Paris, 2007

    • Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (French National Center for Scientific Research), Paris, 2000

    • Association Française pour l'Etude du Monde Arabe et Musulman (French Association for Arabic and Muslim Studies, AFEMAM), Strasbourg, 1994

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    Tammy Fortier USA
    School of International Relations

    quote leftThe Ph.D. program at AGS provides both roots and wings : essential skills needed to ask effective questions, negotiate problems, find solutions ; and the challenge to go out into the world acting firmly, fairly and consistently in creating opportunities.quote right

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