
Examples of International Relations and Diplomacy Master's Theses at AGS

Nationalism and Militarism in Turkey:  Inequalities Facing Kurdish Population
By Fidel Aksoy (2007)

Habermas in Kuwait:  The Role of the Diwaniyah in the Political Process
By Khaled Al Baijan (2006)

Omani Economic Development between Exhaustible and Renewable Resources
By Nadia Al Said (2001)

Whether the Domestic Instability in Zimbabwe Prevents the Southern Development Community (SADC) From Developing into a "Security Community"
By Valerie Andriantsiresy Munro (2007)

Will Haiti Change?
By Tagor Ariot (2002)

Wither Power Politics?  A study of the United States' Approach to the Caspian Sea Region, 1991-2001
By Bradley Axmith (2003)

Press Coverage of the Second Intifada (September 2000-April 2002):  Impressions of Media Bias
By Sylvie Bacquet (2002)

A Refutation of Robert D. Kaplan's Thesis, as Proposed in the 1994 Article "The Coming Anarchy", Using the Argument that his Extrapolations of the Events in West Africa Being an Indicator of the Future State of the World are Erroneous
By Omar Bandar (2005)

Only a Pawn:  Kosovo, Humanitarian Intervention and the Expansion of US Hegemony

By Joseph Paul Beaudreau (2009)

Human Rights in Iran under the Pahlavi Regime and the Islamic Republic of Iran:  A Compatative Analysis

By Dean Behi (2005)

How can anticorruption programs be refocused and redesigned to increase their success, effectiveness and sustainabillity?

By Kristi Benedict (2006)

Surviving in Defiance of Conventional Wisdom:  How International Power Politics and Political Culture ensure North Korea's Survival

By Charlotte Bennborn (2008)

The Global Consumer Class (GCC), Information Technology and Sustainable Consumption:  In Search of common ground for common good

By Matthew Bentley (2000)

The European Central Bank Influence on the Central and Eastern European Countries National Central Banks

By Robert Bopp (2003)

Maritime Piracy and Armed Robbery in Southeast Asia

By Annemie Breesch (2005)

A Canadian Interest, an American Expectation. The Need of Reformulation of Canadian Defence Policy and of the Formulation of a National Security Policy

By Jon Buchanan (2004)

In Search of Security. Caribbean Small Island States in a Global Era

By S. Burke (2000)

Is Revolution Possible in a Postmodern Era?

By Ian Lewis Campbell (2009)

Un/divided Island

By Charles Cannada (2007)

The European Union:  Its Impact on Sovereignty and National Identity

By Antonio Carvalho (2005)

Tofu Capitalism:  Haiti and the Rise of Neoliberal Hegemony

By Patrick Clairzier (2009)

Is the International Relations Theory of Holistic Constructivism the Most Useful Theoretical Tool to Analyze the Direction of United States Foreign Policy in Recent Years, Particularly since the Accession to the Presidency of George W. Bush?

By J. Regina Coar (2008)

Reinforcing the European Common Foreign and Security Policy:  Myth or Reality?

By Heather Sandra Cowan (2004)

An analysis of the French Press Coverage of the Reasons behind the Rejection by French voters of the 29 May 2005 Referendum on the Treaty to Establish the European Union Constitution

By Christy Davis (2006)

A Feminist Analysis of the National Security Strategy of the United States of America, 2006

By Safina Dewshi (2008)

The Sahel:  Environmental Degradation and the Rise of Islamic Fundamentalism by 2025

By Edward Farrell (2005)

Assessment of the Assistance by International Humanitarian Agencies to the Kosovar Population During the Crisis of 1999-2000

By Jaime Fields (2004)

Affirmative Action Versus "Pacte Republicain".  How the American System Affects the French Concept of Nation

By Clelia Fleury (2003)

Kosovo:  Education as the Conflict's Catalyst? A Constructive Perspective

By Maria Fraga (2008)

Economic Sanctions as a Tool of U.S Foreign Policy:  A Case Study on the Failure of the Cuban Embargo in the Post-Cold War Period

By Ulfar Gislason (2007)

A Political Risk Analysis of the Geopolitics of IPI and TAPI Pipelines

By James Gootam (2008)

Women and Warfare.  Battling against Mutual Exclusion

By Irene Gorelik (2002)

Reflecting on the Failure of the 1998-2002 Peace Process between the Colombian Government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Columbia

By Caroline Gosselin (2004)

Did American media coverage in March 2003 conform to Edward Herman and Noam Chomsky's' Propaganda Model in the coverage of the 2nd Iraq War?

By Jennifer Grant (2008)

Political Mobilization of the Feminized Middle Class within a Globalized Market:  A Case Study of Morocco

By Erin B. Helfert (2007)

The Origins and Evolution of Microfinance in Mexico:  From a Culture of Credit to a Culture of Savings

By Kathleen Hewitt Villegas (2008)

Glass Slipper or Glass Ceiling? The Impact of Economic Liberalization and European Integration of the Position of Women in the Transition Economy of Romania and its implications for the Promotion of Gender Equality

By Jona Huffer (2008)

The Perception of Security:  The Barcelona Process

By Yasmeen R. Hussain (2006)

Common Security and Foreign Policy of the EU:  Comparative Analysis of French and EU fp towards US

By Zatashah Idris (2007)

Modernist Feminists versus Traditional Feminists:  Preservation of Cultural and Religious Identity through Protests against Women's Rights in Morocco

By Lalla Kenza Idrissi (2008)

How did an exclusive Americo-Liberian nationalism lead to and sustain the Liberian Civil War of 1985-2003?

By Toushi Itoka (2009)

Comparative Analysis of the National Aeronautics and Spece Agency and the European Space Agency in the Areas of Decision Making Effectiniveness and Efficiency

By Dean Jackson (2005)

UNIFIL and the Failure of Collective Security:  A Case Study of Mearsheimer's "False Promise of International Institutions"

By Rasha Jasser-Nivot (2008)

New World Order:  A Play on Words, but a Real Impressions of Power Alliances

By Gwenetta Johnson (2007)

Carbon Tax or Cap-and-Trade:  Lessons for Canadian Policymakers in Emissions Reduction from Europe and the United States

By Christian Karastojanov (2000)

Iraqi Kurdistan

By Karina Kloos (2006)

The Relation between Microfinance, the Empowerment of Women and the Alleviation of Poverty

By Mairi Lee (2007)

English Language as a Political Tool in Non-Anglophone Countries

By Rachel Levine (2007)

The Inability of Peacekeeping to address the Rwandan-Congolese Security Dilemma

By Eric Miller (2009)

Comparative Analysis of the High School Textbooks in Use in California and Quebec Concerning Their Coverage of the Second World War

By Amanda Nagele Roix (2008)

The False Image of Nicolae Ceausescu in the U.S.:  New York Times and State Department Parallelism

By Raluca Negru (2003)

Towards a Peaceful Settlement of the Spratly Islands Dispute

By Danilo Padilla (1999)

Ethanol Policies in the United States:  Contribution or Distraction to Innovating Energy Technology

By Sarah E. Pedersen (2008)

Is daily newspapers' coverage of Angela Merkel in Germany, France, the United Kingdom (UK) and the United States (US) gender-biased?

By Christiane A. Peuker (2008)

Just and Unjust Wars: Iraq

By Zhanna Radkovska (2009)

Social Movements and the Internet:  How Have Movements for Change been Changed by the Rise of the Internet?

By Matthew Reichel (2007)

Water Scarcity as a Factor for Conflict in the Middle East?:  A Case Study of the Relationship between Lebanon, Syria and Israel

By Roaida Rizkallah (2007)

Genetically Modified Crops:  A Survey Research on Public Opinion

By Ricardo Rodamilans (2003)

Developing Models for Developing Nations:  Costa Rica and Brazil's Fight Against Bio-piracy

By Laura Root (2004)

Maria Mies's Capitalist Patriarchy:  Case Study of Poor Women in Uganda

By Nina Sajic (2006)

The Disappointments of Democratization and Neoliberal Development in Guatemala

By Rebecca Sampson (2005)

An Analysis of Controversial Events in French History, as Presented in French Collège-Lycée Textbooks

By Kathryn Sanders (2006)

The Re-Emergence of an Ancient Regional Rivalry:  A Comparative Case-Study of Turkish-Iranian Relations as Modern Nation-States

By Jopi Schluep (2005)

Does the International Community Have a Legal Responsability to Protect?  An Analysis of Norms Regarding Humanitarian Intervention in Africa since 1990

By Alan Seelinger (2009)

Poland's Economic Transformation and Integration into the European:  A Study in Leverage

By Monica Sledjeski (2006)

Nuclear Deterrent Economic Sanctions:  The Role of Direct Diplomacy in the US-Iran Case Study

By Laura-Lee Smith (2009)

The Effects of the Resource Curse on Sub-Saharan Africa:  A case Study of Curruption in Nigeria

By Gabrielle Spiers (2007)

The Liberty of the Press in France:  Legal, Judicial and Economic Obstacles to a Free Press

By Ranjani Srinivasan (1996)

Turkey's European Union Candidacy:  An Analysis of Turkey's Fullfillment of the Copenhagen Criteria

By Marina Stavrakas (2006)

The Cold War and the "War on Terror": Relgion as a Tool to Procure Public Support for Warfare

By Janicke Stramer (2005)

"States have no friends, they only have interests: "  A Comparative Analysis on Taiwan's Diplomacy and How China's Peaceful Development Will Affect Taiwan's Struggle for International Recognition

By Nancy Su (2007)

The Rise of Islamic Militancy:  Confronting the Radical Spiritual Schools of South-Central Asia

By Brad Svenningson (2005)

The Failure of Integration:  A Comparative of European Immigration Integration Models

By Sumiko Tanaka (2007)

Osama Bin Laden's Reasons for Attacking the US:  A Content Analysis of Three U.S. Newspapers in the Period of September 18-25, 2001 Compared with the Content of Sama Bin Laden's Declarations and Interviews

By Robert Tautges (2005)

The Origins of World War I and World War II:  A Comparative Study

By Latieule Trung (2000)

Does the Structure of Central Banks Influence the Effectiveness of their Interventions in the Foreign Exchange Market

By Vojislav Valcic (2001)

Tailoring "Education for All" to Sub-Saharan Africa:  Implementation of Essential Criteria to Optimize Educational Development

By Lauren Ventimiglia (2007)

Privatization in India:  A Case for Gradualism in India's National Economy and Its Impacts on Corporate Development

By Prasanna Vernenkar (2004)

The Limits of American Soft Power

By Bradford Vick (2007)

Dangerous Polarity:  The New International Order's Rise in Nuclear Proliferation

By James Wagamon (2006)

The Development of Civil Society in China and its Influence on Environmental Issues in China

By Audrey Wang (2009)

The Common European Health Policy for Tobacco Control

By Lihan Wei (2006)

Russian Organized Crime:  The New Threat

By Peter Wolczik (2000)

Will more nuclear weapons really be better?  The Reliability of the Theory of Nuclear Deterrence Testing Kenneth Waltz's Views on Proliferation

By Jennifer M. Wright (2009)

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