Call for Papers: AGS Graduate Conference 2014

9th Annual Graduate Student Conference

Cyber-Developments in International Relations:
Impacts on an Evolving World

17-18 April 2014

Conference Theme

The American Graduate School in Paris invites submissions for its 9th annual AGS Graduate Student Conference. This year’s theme covers an emerging topic in today’s world with the incorporation of advance technological developments, under the heading “Cyber-Developments in International Relations: Impacts on an Evolving World.”

For the last 15 years, we have seen the rapid development and implementation of technology into our world: from access to the internet through the ‘.com’ bubble of 1997 and the ‘world wide web,’ to the use of social media in everyday life. We have seen how the growth of the internet has been used to change the way we communicate globally, in effect shrinking our world through greater access to ideas and education. The notion of information is extremely important in today’s world as government officials, practitioners and academics are all participating in this relatively new form of communication. The development of awareness through the internet continues to shape our world on a daily basis, whether it be to create social pressures on government decision-making as seen in Brazil and Egypt recently where information was gathered on military conflicts or used to apply direct pressure on government officials. What is understood thus far, is that this cyber growth is affecting all parties globally, changing the very nature of international, state, community and individual communication.

The aim of the conference is to analyze the impact of the internet and technological developments - often used by governments, states, media, NGO networks and activists - on the social, cultural and psychological level within international relations. The cyber impacts on interstate and state governance, international security and conflict, activist activity, corporate and NGO influence, and public awareness should be a main concern for conference contributors.

Possible Sub-Themes with Examples of Directions include (but are not limited to):

Media politics: Mass Media, Social Media and Cyberactivism:

  • Impact of media on public awareness at the domestic and international level

Diplomacy: Internet influence and Soft Power:

  • Changing the traditional nature of diplomacy through use of internet venues by governments

  • The incorporation of public diplomacy for soft power enhancement

Cybersecurity, Military Strategy and Conflict:

  • Is internet anonymity a threat or a safehaven for cybersecurity

  • The International internet communities erosion on human rights and civil liberties due to cyber war

Human Rights through technological media:

  • Cybertechnology and its benefits or drawbacks to developing nations

  • Conflicting Cyber security norms and its security threats from state to state

Evolution of Corporate, Civil Society and Celebrity Diplomacy:

  • The expansion of international political economy via internet

  • The growing influence of NGOs and civil society through global communication

About the Annual AGS Graduate Student Conference

The conference is student-led and –organized, and offers a forum for connecting the disciplines of Political Science and International Relations with real-world application, inviting discussion from students, academics and professionals alike on a new theme each year.

For more information about the Annual AGS Graduate Student Conference, please click here.

Submission Instructions

Who can submit?

Submissions will be accepted from graduate and post-graduate level students as well as faculty and professional practitioners in the fields related to the topic of the conference.

Attendees are not restricted to those who submitted, as all are welcome to attend the conference.

Submission Deadlines

Abstract Submission Deadline: 15 January 2014

N.B. Submissions are reviewed on a rolling basis. Contributors are welcome to submit their abstracts as soon as possible.

Final Paper Submission Deadline: 18 March 2014

How to Submit the Abstract and Final Paper

Abstracts are to be no longer than 500 words and submitted electronically to as an attachment.

The subject line should include the name of the candidate as well as “AGS Conference Abstract Submission.” Please also give a potential, if not finalized, title for your paper. 

Additional Information (Abstract):

  • Research question

  • Paper title (a working title is satisfactory)

  • University affiliation (degrees earned and those in the process of concentration and completion)

  • Professional affiliation (if applicable)

  • If the applicant has prior conference presentation experience.

The subject line of the final paper (if applicable) should include the name of the candidate as well as “AGS Conference Final Paper Submission.”

Fees and Conditions

All accepted candidates will be required to pay a non-refundable 50-euro registration fee (payable here) that will help pay for organizational and administrative costs. This fee does not cover personal costs to the applicant, such as transportation, accommodation, etc.

The conference committee will provide visa letters upon request to accepted candidates. In addition to verifying attendance to the conference, candidates may be asked to sign a visa liability agreement. Please note that participants are responsible for fulfilling the visa procedure according to their home country’s rules and regulations in connection to entering France.

For Visa information, transportation and housing please click here

Conference Location

American Graduate School in Paris
101 boulevard Raspail
75006 Paris

Telephone: +33 (0)1 47 20 00 94


Graduate Student Conference Committee
American Graduate School in Paris
101 boulevard Raspail
75006 Paris

Telephone: +33 (0)1 47 20 00 94
Email:" data-mce-href="">

For questions about the conference, feel free to contact Stefan De Las, Student Conference Coordinator, at

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