Dr. Koonce Presents at UN Human Rights Council Panel and Oxford Conference on FGM
Thursday, 02 July 2015 14:58
Dr. Lorraine Koonce Farahmand participated in United Nations Human Rights Council Panel on FGM policies and resolutions that took place on June 19th at the UN headquarters in Geneva. The panel focused on local and global successes and challenges regarding female genital mutilation issues. Opening Remarks were delived by H.E. Ms. Evelyne Marie Augustine Ilboudo, Ambassador of Burkina Faso to the UN, senior officers from the World Health Organization and several UN agencies as well as lawyers and activists working on the issue of women's rights.
Dr. Lorraine Koonce Farahmand, Esq., is a Solicitor of England and Wales, New York Attorney and AGS faculty member specializing in women's rights advocacy and FGM issues. In March, she attended a one-day conference at the University of Oxford (Lady Margaret Hall) on the theme: "Contestations around FGM: Activism and the Academy", where she gave a presentation on the legal aspects of female genital mutilation: "Concerning prosecution, what are the benefits, the hurdles and the effects on prevention of committed implementation of the law".
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Douglas YatesUSA Ph.D Associate Professor School of International Relations
Every day the news is filled with stories about foreign leaders, wars, peace talks, and tragedies. Our students learn how to fit together those pieces like a puzzle, and through the lens of international relations, understand the world as it is.