Professor de Largentaye Talks about Europe in Quebec and Britanny |
Monday, 16 February 2015 |
On November 18th, Professor Bertrand de Largentaye gave a presentation on the role of the EU in international trade negotiations in Rennes, Brittany (France). This was part of a conference series focusing on some of the main questions currently faced by the EU and each of its member states as the European institutions are currently going through a renewal phase. The various conference panels covered topics such as food and public health issues, migration issues, the financial system, international trade regulations, and the impact of the EU's diplomacy and defense in the world. This conference series was organized by Maison de l'Europe Rennes et Haute Bretagne, which is part of a European network of local information centers coordinated by the European Commission. On October 26th-31st, Professor de Largentaye participated in an intensive professional development program in Quebec, Canada (Ecole d'Automne de l'Université Laval), focusing on the transatlantic relations of the EU. He gave four presentations during the program. One provided a wide-spectrum overview of the topic through the lens of the international competence of the EU. Two other of his presentations covered region-specific aspects, with one focusing on the EU-Mexico relations, and the other on EU-US relations in the perspective of the TTIP (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership). Finally, Professor de Largentaye participated in a roundtable on the relations between Europe and America with regard to their potentially conflicting integration models: "Les relations Europe-Amérique: vers le choc des modèles d'intégration?" Professor de Largentaye has a forty-year experience as policy expert in the French government (Ministries of Economy and Finance, Agriculture, and Trade) and in European institutions (European Commission's Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs, Directorate General for External Relations, and Minister Counselor to the Permanent Delegations of the European Commission and European Union to UNESCO and OECD). He recently joined the AGS faculty to teach the Economics course (see profile). |
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Douglas Yates USA Every day the news is filled with stories about foreign leaders, wars, peace talks, and tragedies. Our students learn how to fit together those pieces like a puzzle, and through the lens of international relations, understand the world as it is. |