Dr. Servidio contributes to a workshop about the reform of the French penal procedure |
Tuesday, 29 September 2009 |
Dr. Eileen Servidio participated in an Extraordinary General Meeting of the French National Bar Council (Conseil National des Barreaux) held in Paris on September 25th in the presence of the French Minister of Justice Michèle Alliot-Marie. Dr. Servidio contributed to a workshop about the reform of the French penal procedure and presented a study on the role of lawyers in the American procedure compared to the French procedure. She also shared with the audience composed of French lawyers the Anglo-Saxon perspective on the new reform project of the French judiciary (projet Léger) which proposes the abolishment of the investigating judges (juges d'instruction) who have been a specificity of the French legal system. |
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Laura-Lee Smith USA As citizens of the world community, AGSers share a deep will to improve international state of affairs. This drive for change translates into prescriptive discussion between students and teachers, not simply criticism. I most admire this quality about AGS and know that because we have the will to improve the system, we are the way for change. |