Régis Bismuth Presents at International Conference on State Capitalism

Monday, 23 December 2013

bismuth_regis_100x120.jpgProfessor Régis Bismuth presented a paper at an international conference held in Québec, Canada, at the University of Laval, on the theme: "State Capitalism in the New Global Political Economy", November 21-24 2013.

Professor Bismuth's paper focused on "The Legal Framework for the Regulation of Political and Economic Risks of State Capitalism". As Bismuth explains, foreign investments that are carried out by state entities (for instance Sovereign Stealth Funds or State-Owned Enterprises) raise serious concerns for the host states of these investments. More particularly, sovereign investments are suspected of pursuing primarily political objectives rather than purely financial or economic ones as is the case for private investors. Professor Bismuth's presentation highlighted the deficiencies of international law as well as the limits and uncertainties of domestic instruments for a comprehensive regulation of this phenomenon.

More information on this conference

During the same week, Régis Bismuth also participated in a one-day research workshop at La Sorbonne in Paris, on the theme "The Relevance of International trade Law for international Investment Law".

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Ruchi Anand India
Associate Professor
School of International Relations

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