Professor Bismuth Speaks on the American Legal System on French Radio

Thursday, 11 June 2015

bismuth_regis_100x120.jpgProfessor Régis Bismuth was invited to participate in a radio debate about the extraterritorial impact of the American judicial system. Reflecting on the role of the US legal intervention in revealing the corruption network within FIFA, the discussion went on to question the extensive application of domestic law enabling the US to take legal action involving non-American citizens or organizations. Speakers examined this question in light of the larger political context of the European Union integration and the wariness of part of the international community toward the United States hegemony. The radio show was aired on the French leading radio station France Culture on June 10th, under the title "Y a-t-il un impérialisme judiciaire américain?" ("Is there an American Judicial Imperialism"). The recording is available (in French) on this link.

Professor Bismuth teaches International Public Law in the International Relations and Diplomacy programs at AGS. He is also a Professor of Public Law at Université de Poitiers. He received his doctorate in Law degree from Université Panthéon-Sorbonne in Paris, as well as an LL.M. from Columbia Law School. He recently co-edited Sensibilité animale. Perspectives Juridiques, a collective work about animal rights published by CNRS Editions, the publishing branch of CNRS, the French National Center for Scientific Research.

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Robert SimmonsUnited States International Relations
Candidate, Class of 2017

quote leftMoving to Paris has taken a top rank amongst the most challenging things I have experienced in life so far. AGS – the classes, my colleagues, and the school staff – provided for me a sanity that I had lost! This program is phenomenal and is giving me opportunities to do some really cool things, such as being invited to intern for a summer at a school/community outreach program in Tanzania.quote right


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