Ambassador Bolewski to Join New Journal Board

Tuesday, 21 October 2014

wilfried_bolewski_100x120.jpgAmbassador Wilfried Bolewski (Ph.D.), our Professor of International Law and Diplomacy, has been invited by Dr. Corneliu Bjola, from the University of Oxford, to join the board of a new peer-review journal entitled Diplomacy and Foreign Policy, to be published as of Spring 2016. This quarterly journal will provide an open forum for reference publication, critical analysis and cutting-edge research on contemporary issues of diplomacy and foreign policy, promoting creative problem-solving approaches for the management of peaceful change in international and transnational affairs.

The journal primary readership will be composed of diplomatic scholars, international relations analysts, foreign policy decision-makers, international NGO practitioners, graduate and undergraduate students of international affairs, and educators in diplomatic academies.

Along with the Editor Dr. Corneliu Bjola, Associate Professor of Diplomatic Studies at the University of Oxford, the other Associate Editors Dr. Marcus Holmes, Assistant Professor of Government at The College of William and Mary in Virginia, US, and Dr. Stuart Murray, Senior Lecturer at the Department of International Relations, Bond University, Australia, as well as Jason Prevost, Acquisitions Editor at Brill Nijhoff Publishers, Boston, US, Ambassador Bolewski will work on developing this new journal with an emphasis on theory-practice integration and multidisciplinarity so as to position it with policy-relevant research in the center of conceptual debates that frame the theory, practice, and transformation of 21st Century diplomatic relations.

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Jennifer Grant USA
M.A., School of International Relations
Class of 2008

quote leftStudying at AGS has not only provided me with an intimate learning experience, but has also given me the opportunity to take advantage of the dozens of international organizations and NGOs in Paris that offer internships.quote right

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