Professor Bratton Co-Authors Article on China/India Security Issues, Participates in Conference on Military Studies

Friday, 10 January 2014

patrick_bratton_100x120.jpgDr. Patrick Bratton, published an article entitled "Coping with China: Indian Security Perceptions of a Rising China" in Stratégie, Puissance et Influence Chinoises depuis la Guerre Froide (Paris: L’Harmattan, 2013). In this edited book which explores the security implications of the rise of China sine the end of the Cold War, Dr. Bratton's article examines the increased sense of threat perception in Indian foreign policy elites, particularly in the past four to five years. He co-authored the article with Raj Shukla, an expert on security questions and former fellow at the Institute for Defense Studies and Analyses in India.

Professor Bratton explains: "This article originated out of conversations I had with Raj Shukla in fall 2009. Raj is a good friend and a Brigadier in the Indian Army. I've been doing research on the topic since then each year. My article was the basis for the 'Wine and Cheese' talk I gave at AGS last fall."

The editor of the book, Pierre Journoud, works at the research center of the French Defense Ministry IRSEM (Institut de Recherche Stratégique de l'Ecole Militaire), where he coordinates collective research on Eastern-Asia strategic issues, and teaches at the Université de Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne. He was a guest speaker at AGS in Professor Bratton's class last Fall.

Professor Bratton also participated in the Annual Conference of the International Society of Military Sciences, one of the leading security conferences around the world, which was held in Denmark at the Royal Danish Defense Academy on 13 November 2013. Professor Bratton gave a paper on "Organizational Change and Defense Reform in India" on the panel on "Managing Military Change". The International Society of Military Sciences is a consortium of several military defense academies in Europe, Canada, and Australia.

Professor Bratton was a guest professor at AGS in Paris in Fall 2012, and continues to regularly collaborate with the school in his capacity as Director of the Diplomacy and Military Studies department at the AGS's partner institution Hawai'i Pacific University.

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Sumiko Tanaka USA
M.A., School of International Relations
Class of 2007

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