Dr. Anand visiting professor at Princeton University

Sunday, 22 July 2007

Dr. Ruchi Anand

Dr Ruchi Anand with her students at Princeton UniversityIn July 2007, Dr. Ruchi Anand headed out to Princeton University, New Jersey, to teach a capsule on US Foreign Policy to graduating highschool seniors working towards their admission in the Ivy League Colleges in the US. She taught a program called the Junior Statesmen of America that has now existed for 60 years. Every year, over one thousand outstanding highschool students with a passion for government and politics gather on five campuses (Princeton, Yale, Stanford, Georgetown and Northwastern) to immerse themselves in politics and debate. Dr Anand has offered this capsule on US foreign policy at Georgetown (2001) and Princeton (since 2003).

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Tim FrancisNew Zealand
M.A.in International Relations
Class of 2014

quote leftMy AGS experience was infinitely rewarding, from the classes to the faculty, to the student community. My time in Paris gave me many opportunities to connect and interact with people in the vibrant international community around Paris, from UNESCO to Human Rights Watch, to the countless other organisations that call Paris home.quote right

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