Tatiana Coutto

Tatiana Coutto Presents at UNIDIR Conference on Disarmament in Geneva
Wednesday, 14 May 2014 08:08

Read more...Professor Tatiana Coutto will participate in an International Conference on disarmament in the Middle East, which will take place in Geneva (Switzerland) on June 25. The event will be chaired by Director of the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR), Theresa Hitchens, and will be titled "The Middle East Zone Free of Nuclear Weapons and Other Weapons of Mass Destruction: Prospects and Challenges". Speakers will include practitioners and representatives of Israeli, Iranian, Egyptian, and German think tanks, as well as consultants in the field of chemical, biological and nuclear weapons.

Professor Coutto will join a panel entitled: "How to Facilitate a Middle East WMD-free Zone?" moderated by Pavel Podvig of the UNIDIR. She will speak about disarmament in Latin America as the first region in the world having been declared free of nuclear weapons in 1967, with a focus on the work of the Brazil-Argentina Agency for the Accountability and Control of Nuclear Materials (ABACC.)

More information on the conference

Professor Coutto participates in Seminar on Climate Governance as well as Congress on Disarmament
Wednesday, 13 June 2012 13:33

Read more...On May 30-June 1, Professor Tatiana Coutto participated in an executive training seminar on "Climate Governance: Issues and Institutions" at the European University Institute (EUI), in Florence, Italy. The seminar brought together academics, officials from international organizations, executives and policy makers from many countries to discuss issues such as environmental protection, financial regulation, political participation, regionalism and security. The event was organized by the Global Governance Program, based at EUI's Robert Schumann Center for Advanced Studies. 

In July Professor Coutto will present a paper on "Adherence to Arms Control and Disarmament Treaties" at the 22nd Congress of the International Political Science Association in Madrid (July 8-12).


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Jennifer Grant USA
M.A., School of International Relations
Class of 2008

quote leftStudying at AGS has not only provided me with an intimate learning experience, but has also given me the opportunity to take advantage of the dozens of international organizations and NGOs in Paris that offer internships.quote right

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