Choosing Purpose Over Pennies


By: LeLann Evans
M.A. Candidate 2017

Thursday, 23 March 2017

As we all know, securing government funding for non-profit organizations is no easy task, and turning down money is unheard of. However, Mohamed Farah - executive director of Ka Joog - recently had to make one of the biggest decisions of his life.

Ka Joog is a non-profit organization based in Minnesota – home to the largest Somali population in the U.S. The program helps young Somalis by providing educational assistants, career mentoring, parent-engagement programs designed to strengthen families, and the arts.

When Ka Joog secured a half million-US-dollar government grant, you would think the program would take it. Instead, the program turned the money down, citing actions and statements made by President Donald Trump against Muslims and immigrants. “This money would have impacted Ka Joog and the community and young people in so many ways,” Mohamed Farah told The Associated Press. “But it’s not about the money, to be honest. It’s about the principle and about what we stand for, and that’s priceless.”

Somalia is one of the 8 countries on President Trump’s travel ban. It is ironic that the name Ka Joog is Somali for “stay away”. “We are going to get that $500,000 back one way or the other,” Farah said. We believe that this White House is really against everything that we stand for. We thought it was best for us to really stay away.”

Check out the full story here:

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