June 2008 Graduation Ceremony

Tuesday, 24 June 2008

The yearly graduation ceremony took place on June 5th at the French Senate. In his commencement address, European Deputy and former French Prime Minister Michel Rocard emphasized the relevance of what is taught at AGSIRD to respond to the problems of the world today and find peaceful solutions to the new post 9/11 security issues.

EU Deputy and former French Prime Minister Michel Rocard was the commencement speakerAGS professor Sir MacRae (3rd from left) with class of 09 students


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Christian Karastojanov Canada
M.A., School of International Relations
Class of 2000

quote leftAGS's focus on both academics and real-world experience, its international faculty deeply engaged in current IR issues, and its connections to a variety of global governmental and non-governmental organizations all provided an invaluable preparation for a life in IR.quote right

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