Guest Speaker Gives Insights About United Nations

Thursday, 10 November 2011

gs-un-kotite-oct11-169x225.jpgOn October 27th, Phyllis Kotite, International Consultant and former United Nations staff member, was a guest speaker in the International Organizations class taught by Ambassador Samira Hanna-El-Daher. Her presentation focused on the role of Dag Hammarskjold, former Secretary General of the United Nations from 1953 to 1961, when he died in a plane accident. Kotite talked about her experience working under Hammarskjold's administration and the importance of what he did for the United Nations and the world. She described how he put in place preventive diplomacy, through the creation of international tribunals and peacekeeping forces and instances, as well as through the promotion of social justice and economic welfare. Kotite also expressed her views on what could be accomplished by utilizing toward conflict prevention and education for peace some of the money that is currently spent on armament.

Phyllis Kotite holds a Master's degree in Middle East history. She has worked as a staff member of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for West Asia (UNESCWA), where she worked on regional projects and special programs for the Palestinian people and the reconstruction of Lebanon. She also worked as a consultant to various organizations and programs of the United Nations: with UNESCO, in the post conflict and natural disaster unit where she was in charge of the Arab and African countries, with the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), where she prepared projects on training in conflict prevention, youth, peace education for teachers; with the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for the Palestine Refugees in the Near-East (UNRWA); with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in the Arab Region, with UNICEF in New York, with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and with other institutions including Arab civil society organizations and European groups engaged in sustainable development and conflict prevention.

AGS professor Ambassador Samira Hanna-El-Daher says: "It was very inspiring to have Phyllis Kotite tell us about her exciting experience working with Dag Hammarskjold, who left an indelible mark in international diplomacy and in the minds of all those who believe in the message of peace of the United Nations."

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Patrick Clairzier Haiti-USA
M.A., School of International Relations
Class of 2009

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