Study Abroad Program Certificate Award Ceremony

Friday, 23 December 2011

sa-fall11-ceremony-225x158.jpgOn December 15th, AGS held an informal Certificate Award Ceremony to mark the end of the fall semester for the Arcadia study abroad program at AGS. This was a way to recognize and celebrate all that the students enrolled in this program have learned and accomplished during their 15 weeks in Paris. As part of the curriculum in French language and French/European culture, history and politics, they had the opportunity to travel to Brussels where they visited the European Parliament, and take field trips around Paris, including a tour of the UNESCO headquarters. During their stay, some of the students also did side trips to Barcelona as well as to Normandy to see D-Day beaches.

"You can’t beat learning about European politics in Europe with its invaluable advantage of local perspective. If one is serious about such studies, the diverse and highly knowledgeable staff at AGS is the perfect mean through which your horizons will be broadened" says Cameron Saunders, from Sarah Lawrence College (USA), who attended both the Arcadia semester and summer programs at AGS.

Certificate Award Ceremony

Pictures of the Brussels trip (October 6-7, 2011)

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Ryan MillsUnited States
Study Abroad in Paris
Fall 2015 

quote leftFrom current issues in the Middle East taught together by an Iranian historian and an Israelli journalist, to NGO management taught by the director of Human Rights Watch in France, every class was fascinating and taught by some of the most impressive people I could ever have imagined. I immediately felt at home in this small but active AGS community because, although students and professors are all from different parts of the world, everyone takes the time to understand each other's perspective. Overall, I would recommend AGS to anyone with a thirst for intellectual stimulation and a drive to not only understand the world of international relations, but engage in it..quote right

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