Dr. David W. Pike, director of research at AGSIRD, and five AGSIRD students participated in the UNESCO seminar on Holocaust remembrance on June 3rd, 2008. The seminar, entitled "Applying the Lessons ...
John West received a group of students from both his and Sir Christopher MacRae's classes at the OECD in Paris on April 16th. They had discussions with John, some other permanent staff and national delegation members ...
UK Ambassador to France Sir Peter Westmacott was a guest speaker in Christopher MacRae's class on Foreign Policy Formulation and Diplomacy on February 28th.
On February 27th, AGSIRD students took a field trip to the Quai d'Orsay, which is the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs. They met with some of the actors of French ...
On June 5th, 2008, the annual AGSIRD graduation ceremony will take place in Paris in the French Senate. The commencement speaker this year will be European Deputy and former ...
Thirteen AGSIRD students travelled to Berlin on November 24th-26th and visited the Reichstag building, the Brandenburg Gate, the Holocaust Memorial, and remaining parts of the Berlin wall.
Two AGS International Relations students have been interning at UNEP during the Fall 2007 semester. Sarah Pedersen's internship (class of 2008) included the development of an online clearinghouse for national programs ...
Sebastien Godinot from Friends of the Earth International was a guest speaker in Dr Ruchi Anand's International Organizations class on November 16th. He shared his experience as part of ...
On September 28th, 2007, three guest speakers came to Dr. Ruchi Anand's class on International Organizations: Meggan Dissly of the OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, Civil Society Coordinator), John West, also of the OECD (Head of Division, Public Affairs), and Rebecca Gaghen of the IEA (International Energy Agency) talked to AGSIRD ...
H.E. Nassif HITTI, Arab League Ambassador to UNESCO, was the commencement speaker at AGSIRD's 2007 graduation ceremony which took place at the French Senate in June. ...