Dr. Yates discusses France's diplomacy about Rwanda in France 24 debate |
Saturday, 27 February 2010 |
Criticisms of Sarkozy's admission that "mistakes were made" was not enough, and that France needs to make an "apology" for its complicity in the attempted genocide of 1994, raised questions about the implications of France in that tragic event. Dr. Yates outlined the three main accusations of French complicity: tactical and strategic support for the Hutu regime in 1990-1991, its evacuation of member of the Habyarimana regime in 1994, and its creation of a corridor through which the genocidaires escapes into Zaire (Democratic Republic of Congo) in 1994. While reconciliation has occured, Yates argued, it would be wrong to believe that the risk of another attempted genocide is gone. The structural preconditions of the genocide, such as overpopulation, and the failure of democratic institutions to return the Hutu majority to power, continue to pose risks of a fourth attempted genocide (after 1959, 1963 and 1994). View France 24 show: The Debate: France and Rwanda: A New Start? |