Professor Yates Interviewed on Al Jazeera about African Politics |
Friday, 25 July 2014 |
The interview took place on the rooftops of Paris and was conducted by Marwan Bishra, the senior political analyst of Al Jazeera English and the host of the show. ‘Empire’ reports on and debates global powers, on behalf of an international citizen, in a way that questions geo-political, geo-economic, and corporate power which influences them across borders. It airs on the last Sunday of every month at 20h00 GMT at is rebroadcast during the following week on Monday (12h00) Tuesday (1h00) and Wednesday (6h00). A specialist of African politics, Douglas Yates will teach a seminar at AGS this Fall, entitled ‘The Scramble for African Resources.’ His latest book, The Scramble for African Oil (London: Pluto Press, 2012) has received positive reviews in Foreign Affairs, New Political Science and the African Studies Review. |