Professor Yates Invited to Speak at London School of Economics, German Development Institute

Monday, 27 July 2015

douglas_yates.jpgProfessor Yates has been invitated to participate in a workshop at the London School of Economics, Oct 16-17th 2015, as a country expert on oil-rich Gabon and Equatorial Guinea. This is part of a larger LSE project comparing 'oil-rentier' states in Middle East/North Africa (MENA) and Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) regions. Researchers who have already confirmed their attendance in London include Farrukh Iqbal and Shanta Devarajan (World Bank), Ricardo Soares de Oliveira (Oxford University), Catherine Boone (LSE), Michael Herb (Georgia), and Ishac Diwan (Harvard/Dauphine), promising to fill a gap in the literature with a multi-author book, a 'small-n' qualitative comparative 'closed-universe' analysis of two critical oil-exporting regions.

Professor Yates was also invited by the German Development Institute (GDI) to deliver two lectures on “Inequality and Resources: The Great Struggle for African Oil” as a guest in GDI's 13th annual Global Governance School, Sep 10th 2015. This invitation follows Professor Yates' lecture series delivered in 2013 at the University of Kassel, Germany on his last book The Scramble for African Oil (London: Pluto Press: 2012), which was reviewed by the Journal of Modern African Studies and Foreign Affairs. Located in Bonn, GDI is one of Germany's leading global think tanks on international development and cooperation that develops concepts, formulates policy, and provides practical training for ministries, governments and international organizations.

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Brad Svenningson USA
M.A., School of International Relations
Class of 2005

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