In October 2007 Professor Toker anchored a day-long conference on 'International Sustainable Development' (Développement Durable International) at the Grande Arche de la Defense near Paris, with the participation of Jean-Louis Borloo, ...
Dr. Eileen Servidio-Delabre is working on a chapter on international jurisdiction for Encyclopedia Juris-Classeur. She recently wrote a chapter on extraditional law for the same collection. Her last book is entitled Common Law: Introduction ...
On September 15th - 19th, Dr. Douglas Yates travelled to Cape Town, South Africa, upon the invitation of the Center for Conflict Resolution, to participate in a conference on China ...
Dr. Ruchi Anand is scheduled to participate in the 49th Annual ISA Convention in San Francisco (USA) on March 26th - 29th 2008. The International Studies Association's annual convention is a major international ...
Prof Joav Toker wrote an article entitled "La Recherche d'une Brèche" in the French national daily newspaper Le Monde, in the editorial "Décryptage" section of the April 7th, 2007 issue.
In December 2006 Dr. Douglas Yates was invited by the United States Information Services (USIS) to give a series of lectures in Mauritania to young aspiring politicians. The wokshops were ...
Stefan De LasTrinidad and Tobago M.A. in International Relations and Diplomacy Class of 2014
AGS brought me closer to the world, and to those multinational perspectives that always tended to evade a simple islander. My own ideals were tested and defended on a daily basis, as I was challenged by almost everyone, from German, Russian and Ghanaian classmates to Ambassadors and professors, who have time and again embraced the practical and academic realms of life. Paris' hard-knock life style, AGS' academic structure and my own drive to succeed have definitely provided me with the foundation to give working life the pursuit it deserves.