On August 29-31, Professor Régis Bismuth participated in the annual regional conference of the International Law Association, on the theme "Governance, Trade, Resources" in Athens, Greece.
Gathering academics as well as practitioners from around the world, the conference focused on ...
On August 28th, Ambassador Wilfried Bolewski participated in a debate about the Syrian crisis on TV channel France 24. As we are facing a potential escalation towards intervention-oriented military action, he was asked to bring to the debate his ...
In July and August, Professor Yates was invited to teach in the summer program at Hawaii Pacific University (HPU), a partner institution of the American Graduate School in Paris. He taught two courses, Comparative politics and Transitions ...
Professor Graziano announced the release of the paperback version of his latest book The Failure of Italian Nationhood (New York: Palgrave Mcmillan, 2010; paperback: August 2013). Already published in Italian, French and English, ...
Oxford University Press has recently published Douglas Yates's article on "Democracy and Authoritarianism in Sub-Saharan Africa" in the Political Science section of the Oxford Bibliographies Collection. In his article, Professor Yates provided some of the most cited authors, journals, ...
On December 11, Professor Régis Bismuth was invited by the European University Institute in Florence (Italy) to give a presentation of his latest book: La Cooperation Internationale des autorités de régulation du secteur financier et le droit international public ...
On May 30-June 1, Professor Tatiana Coutto participated in an executive training seminar on "Climate Governance: Issues and Institutions" at the European University Institute (EUI), in Florence, Italy. The seminar brought together academics, officials from international organizations, executives and ...
Christian KarastojanovCanada M.A., School of International Relations Class of 2000
AGS's focus on both academics and real-world experience, its international faculty deeply engaged in current IR issues, and its connections to a variety of global governmental and non-governmental organizations all provided an invaluable preparation for a life in IR.