Dr. Patrick Bratton, published an article entitled "Coping with China: Indian Security Perceptions of a Rising China" in Stratégie, Puissance et Influence Chinoises depuis la Guerre Froide (Paris: L’Harmattan, 2013). In this edited book which explores the security implications of ...
On November 25, Ambassador Dominique Dreyer gave a lecture on “Culture and Diplomacy” at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology of Lausanne) in Switzerland. On December 4, he gave a lecture on ...
Professor Ruchi Anand participated in the Annual Convention of the International Studies Association (ISA), which brought together an estimated 6,000 scholars and professional practitioners from all continents in San Francisco, April 3-6, 2013. This year's convention was held on ...
Professor Régis Bismuth presented a paper at an international conference held in Québec, Canada, at the University of Laval, on the theme: "State Capitalism in the New Global Political Economy", November 21-24 2013.
Professor Bismuth's paper focused on "The Legal ...
On October 8th, Professor Yates traveled to Erbil, the capital of Kurdistan, Iraq to present a paper on "Ethnicity, Violence and Oil-Rent in Gabon" for an international scientific colloquium hosted by the Institut Français du Proche-Orient (IFPO), one of the oldest French ...
Professor Steve McGiffen's paper, "European Neighbourhood Policy: Path to Democracy or Road to Co-option? Dynamic versus Passive Revolution in the Arab Spring" will be published early in 2014 as part of a book, Renegotiating the Social Contract in Africa, to ...
Ambassador Wilfried Bolewski, professor of Diplomacy and International Law at AGS, participated in an interview with the online international affairs magazine The Paris Globalist (November 26th, 2013), giving his expertise on the ongoing crisis in ...
Professor Régis Bismuth authored an article in France's leading online newspaper LeMonde.fr, discussing the possibility for France to refer the case of the NSA's alledged surveillance program of its diplomacy to the International Court of Justice.
On August 30th, Douglas Yates was invited by the Center for Conflict Resolution to Stellenbosch, South Africa, to present a paper on "The French Peacekeeping Role in Africa", to be published in a forthcoming edited volume. This presentation was ...
Professor Elizabeth Milovidov will participate in an international seminar on "Sexual Tourism Implicating Children: Prevention, Protection, Interdiction and Care for Victims" to take place on October 15-18 at the International Institute for the Rights of the Child ...
Sir Christopher MacRaeUnited Kingdom Diplomat Member of the Board of Advisors School of International Relations
I aim to help my students prepare for life beyond "the groves of academe" - especially how to ask the right questions to work out what is really going on out there. Along the way, they practice writing lucidly and succinctly. It is stimulating teaching such a lively crew. I hope they also find it fun being challenged to analyse the facts without prejudice and to think originally.