Take Care with Acronyms and Jargon (Also a Job Offering)


By Larry Kilman

Friday, 13 January 2017

Pretentious language is the bane of the non-profit world. The use of jargon and acronyms that nobody but insiders understand is exclusionary and reduces your community to a club.

So try to avoid it.

Perhaps the worst offender are those NGOs and non-profits that encourage new technology start-ups.

Human Rights by the Numbers

Image credit: Human Rights WatchBy Larry Kilman

Friday, 13 January 2017

Human Rights Watch has released its 2017 World Report that shows how many journalists were arrested, NGOs shut down, and families displaced.

Narendra Modi’s Crackdown on Civil Society in India

Rohini Mohan

By Larry Kilman

Friday, 13 January 2017

“Among their common traits, illiberal strongmen share a virulent mistrust of civil society.”

So begins Rohini Mohan’s look at Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s crackdown on non-governmental organizations.


NGO Blog: Courtesy of the Belady Foundation via PBS

By Larry Kilman

Monday, 12 December 2016

You would think that an NGO that provides resources and counseling for runaway children would be praised and respected for this sad but necessary work. But in Egypt, a group doing just that faces prosecution.

Helping with the Migration Crisis

NGO Blog: ERCI Refugees

By Larry Kilman

Friday, 18 November 2016

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) is at the forefront of responses to the current refugee crisis, but needless to say it can’t do all the work by itself.

In the agency’s own words:

Using Pop Culture to Raise Funds

AGS NGO Blog: Using Pop culture to raise funds

By Larry Kilman

Friday, 18 November 2016

This story and video from the New York Times’ Retro Report takes a look at the effectiveness of using celebrities and pop culture to raise funds. 

Prosecuted for Forming Human Rights Groups

Logo Human Rights Watch

By Larry Kilman

Friday, 18 November 2016

Even Saudi Arabia has recognized the place of NGOs (or private associations) in society, but that recognition is evidently too late for Mohammad al-Otaibi and Abdullah al-Attawi, who have been charged with “forming an unlicensed organization”, according to Human Rights Watch.


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